Baked Egg in a Nest

Eggs....I like eating eggs in different ways depending on how I feel that particular day. Knowing a number of ways to cook eggs also comes in handy when you're in a hurry, want to show off your new recipe or even when you want to bond with family and friends. This is a perfect recipe to teach your kids. Traditionally fried, we'll bake them for this recipe. Let's get started...


Cheese (grated)
2 bread slices
2 eggs
Dry/fresh parsley 
Black pepper
Corned beef/fried bacon
Foil (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
  2. Grease/foil oven tray and place bread slices
  3. Using your spoon, make your bread hallow by gently pressing the centre of your bread. This is for the eggs to  sit perfectly in the "nest''
  4. Spread the edges with margarine
  5. Crack fresh eggs in each slice
  6. Sprinkle cheese on the edges
  7. Correct seasoning with salt and pepper
  8. Bake for 10 minutes or until you get the consistency of the egg you prefer
  9. Serve with warm corned beef or bacon. Garnish with parsley. Enjoy!!!



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